Arducam released its latest update on its renowned 64MP auto-focus camera module. It is now equipped with a Dual Mode AF (PDAF + CDAF), which makes the focusing even more swift and accurate. Besides, it also adds a 48MP resolution option.

Hawkeye Got Armed with PDAF

Addressing the Pain Point: Enhanced Autofocus for High Resolution

One of the challenges faced in high-resolution photography is achieving quick and accurate autofocus. Arducam’s upgraded 64MP Camera Module effectively addresses this pain point. With the integration of mainstream Phase Detection Autofocus (PDAF) and Contrast Detection Autofocus (CDAF) technologies, this new Dual Mode AF system ensures lightning-fast focus speeds. This enhancement empowers photographers to capture critical moments with ease and precision, especially in scenarios where rapid autofocus is essential.

Arducam Way of AF – A Dual Mode

About the technical principles and methodology behind our Dual Mode AF, we encourage you to refer back to our previous blog post. There, we have extensively explained how this innovative technology works and how it improves autofocus performance.

Notice for Existing Users of 64MP Camera Modules

If you wish to take advantage of this upgrade and unlock the full potential of your 64MP camera module, please visit our documentation page for more information and instructions on how to install it.

Curious to see our upgraded 64MP Camera Module with Dual Mode AF in action?
Prepare to be amazed!

Words in the end

Arducam proudly remains the sole provider offering super high-resolution camera modules for Raspberry Pi. Designed to be versatile for professionals and accessible for hobbyists, our upgraded 64MP Camera Module with Dual Mode AF marks a significant evolution in photography.

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