Improved Features:
- Provide two board options, ArduCAM-LF has both LCD and FIFO, ArduCAM-F only has FIFO
- ArduCAM-LF provide live video and real time snapshot
- Support both Arduino UNO and MEGA1280/2560 boards (but not limited to these boards)
- 3Mbit memory space and support the RAW RGB fromat resolution up to 640×600,
- Support 2MP (1600×1200) JPEG image capture and storage
- Various Arduino firmware application demonstrations for IOT (Internet of things)
- User can add their own camera modules to the ArduCAM library easily
Schematic :
Please download the schematic of ArduCAM Rev.B for connection and pin out.
How to Buy:
Please purchase the ArduCAM shield and camera modules from distributor UCTronics.