The Raspberry Pi foundation released 4 native camera models which are officially supported by the kernel camera driver and GPU ISP tuning, a 5-megapixel camera from 2013, an 8-megapixel camera from 2016, a 12-megapixel camera from 2020 and a 12-megapixel IMX708 camera from 2023. The first two cameras are dubbed “camera module v1/v2” and they both have visible light and infrared versions, the third one is renamed “High Quality Camera” and the last is “Camera Module 3”. All 4 cameras can work with popular camera applications like raspistill/libcamera, picamera python wrapper. Arducam turns these official models into more advanced camera alternatives like different lens mounts, autofocus options, PTZ lens options, motorized IRCUT options, and more. Since they use the same image sensors as the official pi camera, the camera driver and software are fully compatible with native pi cameras.