- Overview
This Tutorial is a demo of how to use ArduCAM Mini 2MP/5MP camera modules
on Arduino UNO R3.
- This demo needs:
Arduino UNO R3 Board(x1),
ArduCAM Mini 2MP camera module(x1),
Dupont connector wires M-F(x8). - Getting Started ArduCAM Mini Camera modules with Arduino IDE
1.Copying libraries
The latest source code library and examples can be downloaded from the https://github.com/ArduCAM/Arduino.
The ArdCAM library is designed for Arduino platform,which is composed by four sub-libraries It is ArduCAM,ArduCAM_Touch,0V7670FIFO and UTFT4ArduCAM_SPI. These four libraries should be copied right under the libraries of Arduino directory in order to be recognized by the Arduino IDE. Also, the README.md is important,you should have a look.Configure the camera setting You need to modify the memorysaver.h file in order to enable OV2640_MINI_2MP or OV5642_MINI_5MP_PLUS or OV5640_MINI_5MP_PLUS camera modules.Only one camera can be enabled at a time.The memorysaver.h file is under the ArduCAM libraries of Arduino directory in order to be recognized by the Arduino IDE.After that open the Arduino IDE,Select Arduino/Genuino Uno board from
Tools->Board menu.Select the example from File->Examples->ArduCAM->mini->ArduCAM_Mini_Video_Streaming and upload it.
Open ArduCAM_Host_V2.0_Windows Host app.
(Arduino\libraries\ArduCAM\examples\host_app\ArduCAM_Host_V2.0_Windows).For more information about ArduCAM library, please refer to:http://www.arducam.com/downloads/shields/ArduCAM_Camera_Shield_Software_Application_Note.pdf