video.c example not working


I have the Sync Stereo Camera HAT (2 x 8MP IMX219, bundle kit) and Pi 4. I am following the instructions provided here but when I run the video example with the ./video command, the file test.h264 I get is basically an empty file (58 bytes).

Thank you


It seems does not receive the sensor’s image data. Please test the single camera without the stereo hat firstly.


I tested the cameras one by one without the stereo HAT and they both work in that case. I obtained two videos of 10 seconds from each sensor.


Oh I know, using the stereo hat, you should choose special resolution for stereo hat board.

You can run the list_format to check the mode for stereo hat.

Hello there!

I am currently using the same setup as lurens, and I basically want to setup the raspberry pi to record a video 30FPS at 2560x720 (or 3840x1080 if possible).

I have tested video.c and a modified version of without success, this is the output for video.c when resolution is set to 2560x720:

Open camera... Hardware platform: c03111 Found sensor imx219 at address 10 Setting the resolution... mmal: Failed to fix lens shading, use the default mode! Current resolution is 2560x720 Notice:You can use the list_format sample program to see the resolution and control supported by the camera. Enable Software Auto Exposure... Enable Software Auto White Balance... Start video encoding... Failed to start video encoding, probably due to resolution greater than 1920x1080 or video_state setting error.
and the modified with the same resolution (mode 8):
Open camera... Hardware platform: c03111 Found sensor imx219 at address 10 mmal: Failed to fix lens shading, use the default mode! Current mode: 8,resolution: 2560x720 Enable Auto White Balance... Enable Auto Exposure... Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 47, in <module> camera.set_video_callback(callback, file_obj) File "/home/bjarne/digiras/acquisition/", line 432, in set_video_callback sys._getframe().f_code.co_name File "/home/bjarne/digiras/acquisition/", line 314, in check_status raise RuntimeError("{}: Unexpected result.".format(func_name)) RuntimeError: set_video_callback: Unexpected result.
Any help would be much appreciated :)