Raw 12-Bit Pixel Data from AR1820HS

The product page for the Arducam 18MP AR1820HS states that the image sensor has an ADC resolution of 12−bits; however, it appears that the libarducam_mipicamera.so library doesn’t support the full 12-bit resolution. When I capture a raw image, the output is only using 10-bits per pixel. Is there a way to get the full 12-bit resolution?

Thanks for the help,


At present , we have not try to configure the sensor to Raw12. Recently I will try to configure it.


Today I have add raw12 mode in our MIPI_Camera library. Please download our new lib.

Then make install to install the new lib

The raw12 mode is mode5

Showing as the below image:

Let me know if you need more help.