Frame Buffer Size Arducam Mini 5MP Plus OV5642

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ArduCAM-Mini-5MP-Plus OV5642 Camera Module
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In the block diagram of the manual of ArduCAM-Mini-5MP-Plus OV5642 Camera Module there is “frame buffer FSM” within ArduChip and “Off-chip Memory”. What is the difference? Which one is 8MB SDRAM? What is the memory size of “frame buffer FSM”?

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Frame Buffer FSM, ArduChip’s on-chip buffer (internal FIFO), used for frame processing, has a small capacity, divided into read buffer and write buffer, 1kB each.
Off-chip Memory, ArduChip’s off-chip cache (external SDRAM), has a much larger capacity than the on-chip cache, 8MB, which can cache multiple frames of data.