Arducam IMX135 MIPI 13MP Color Camera Module

I have started testing the camera. I have installed everything according to


Question 1:


Once I run ./capture all camera modes up to mode 3 (8MP) seam to work fine and create a “modeX.jpg”. Mode 4 (13MP) fails and does not create a jpg.


What could be the issue?



Arducam IMX135 MIPI 13MP Color Camera Module (B0163)

Raspberry pi Zero W


Please refer to the pictures attached to this mail.


Question 2:

The cameras are attached to remote Raspberry Pi Zero W. They run the latest Raspbian.


We are planning to control the cameras through ssh commands from a central master. What is the absolute minimum installation requirement for capturing AND using the focus feature (via code)?


Question 3:

Programmed Autofocus: I have seen some examples of autofocus. Is the focus controlled through the I2C pins or directly with the camera cable?

Most probably we will require a python script / function running on the remote raspberry pi zeros, correct?



I am asking Question 2 / 3 because we will have to implement the scripts in 60+ cameras…


Would you know what would have caused Mode 4 not to work on the IMX135 MIPI 13 MP color Camera Module?

If Mode 4 Does not work this camera module essentially is only a 8MP Camera.

Increasing the GPU memory size avoided the error. Setting the gpu_mem = 300 in the /boot/config.txt did the trick for Question 1.



About the Q1, after you have set the gpu memory, you should reboot.

About Q2

We are planning to control the cameras through ssh commands from a central master. What is the absolute minimum installation requirement for capturing AND using the focus feature (via code)?

I don’t understand what your detail target. Using our camera , at least you should have our driver and camera.

For the Q3, user control the focus motor through the i2c bus. Yes, if you want to control it, you should write a script using Python or C .





Have you solved your problems?